me wordpressAs inspired per Lauren Eliz Love’s Facebook post this morning, I had an epiphany. I can’t influence or gain clients unless I am looking at myself and asking what do I need to work on? I am the product in my business endeavor, being a Virtual Assistant is personal to me. I love what I do and need to convey that to potential clients/customers.  I need to be able to convey that they can delegate my niche services and know that they will be completed with stellar results.  I need to expand upon my 20 years of experience to ensure that my Virtual Assistant business clients are getting the best of me now with this new endeavor. I have already started to up my social media game, I am taking the time to be more in the forefront of things instead of just posting, now there will be videos. I have several marketing and networking events coming up to get my name/face/business out there.  I am making personal changes as well, especially with taking more photos, being more open and approachable. Making the time to write my blog everyday, taking you on this journey with me as I build a brand that I can hopefully one day share with my daughters. 

I am Mrs. Nakia D. Whittaker-Woody, of Mrs. Whittaker-Woody V A Services, I am a General Administrative Virtual Assistant.